Insults For Tall People Which They Can Relate To


Insults are a funny thing, but only when they’re not directed at you. When someone is insulting you and your reputation, that’s not something we should take lightly. But there is a piece of good news, that there are people out there who can help.

If you fall into the category of tall people, you have probably heard about these insults in your life. If not, then be prepared to get to know them.

1) “You’re so tall that when you tie your shoes, you accidentally tie the shoelaces together.”

2) “I’m so short I can’t see anything on the top shelf.”

3) “You use the escalator as a walking staircase.”

4) “You always seem to be looking down at me.”

5) “I was reading something on your shoulders.”

Insults towards tall people are not to be taken seriously. Tall people tend to feel self-conscious about their height, so try to make them laugh.

Why are tall people often the butt of jokes, and what are some of the most common insults?

This section will explore why tall people are often the butt of jokes and some of the most common insults.

A famous saying goes something like, “why do we think it’s funny when people fall down?” The answer to this is related to the idea that we as humans take pleasure in seeing others who seem more powerful than us or those who have higher status than us fall from their place and be brought back down to earth. When people feel inferior, they often find comfort in seeing those above them face the consequences.

Tall jokes, gifs and other content about insulting tall people are everywhere. But this trend is not healthy for anyone involved.

How do I make fun of people who are taller than me?

The way to make fun of people who are taller than you is by saying, “I know you are tall, but look at me!”

Ask how’s the weather up there? How’s the view from up there, friend? Are birds/aeroplanes bothering you too much?

Call them “Walking Lampposts.”


Hey buddy, what is the temperature above.

What are some nicknames for tall people?

Tall people often get nicknames in their family and society.

Some of the most popular nicknames for tall people are:

– Stretch: Taller than average

– Long John Silver: Long legs

– The Beanpole: A tall person with a thin figure

There are many nicknames for tall people. Some of them are “the tall guy”, “giant”, “jolly green giant”, “lanky”, and “tall drink of water.” In addition, we can use nicknames to show affection or admiration.

Here is a list of tall people nicknames that I have heard over the years:

  1. It seems we’ve found common ground among our divisive opinions with the word Treetop. I don’t mind how it is spelt.
  2. Stretch Armstrong – I prefer longer arms because they can be helpful for tall people in specific jobs.
  3. Daddy Long Legs
  4. Brachiosaurus – One of the tallest dinosaurs is 13 meters tall. It means I’m tall, and it also means I’m extinct. WOW!!
  5. Everest – As it is the tallest mountain.
  6. T-Rex – If you’re tall with short arms, Yup, it happens.
  7. Spaghetti –If you’re a slender person, there’s a good chance you have a body shape similar to spaghetti.
  8. Top Shelf – Yeah!! Because only a tall person can reach the topmost shelf. Not a bad deal for a nickname.
  9. Moon-scraper

When you get told the same tall jokes every day, you should have a good sense of how to reply to them. I know I do. But it hardly matters how many times you hear them, and they’re always going to be asked.

  • Wow, you’re so tall! I’m assuming that must mean you play basketball. Don’t you? That’s interesting to know.
  • How tall are you? You can play around with this one, but a simple reply can ask them how much they weigh. Few people will be confident about talking about their weight.
  • Did you know that not many people can find their perfect car? Taller people are usually recommended to buy mini-vans because it will be difficult for them. However! I’ve never seen a tall person awkwardly try to put their head out of a sunroof.
  • Do your parents ever tower over you? No, but does use a ladder to reach them count as being tall? I’m just kidding, and they’re not that much taller than me.
  • It may be that it’s typically challenging to find a partner who is the same height as a person. I was asked, “Do you believe that your height is one of the reasons behind your success?” And I came up with a pretty clever answer that made me laugh out loud. I said, “You can certainly say so! But being tall doesn’t feel like any sort of advantage to me because I’m used to being over everyone’s head.”

Words You Should Avoid Telling a Tall Person

Taller people sometimes have an advantage at work… For example, if they’re tall, they know it and don’t need to hear commentary on their height because they know it well.

Hey, do you play basketball or volleyball?

What’s your height?

Is it genetic? Are your parents tall too?

How do you feel like a tall person?

How much weight can a bed frame hold?

Hey, please stand at the back of the group for the picture.

Passing such remarks frequently is not just demeaning but also becomes boring over a while.


Whether a person is tall or shorter than the average height, they should never be the centre of fun for us. To mock someone based on how they look, how tall or short they are, is not a good gesture. It might impact them negatively though they might not show it. Hence, we must refrain from passing such remarks and respect people for who they are and not what they look like.