Top 10 Names To Call Tall People


Do you have a friend or family member who is taller than you? Well, don’t be surprised if they tend to call you by a different name. Maybe it’s “shorty” or “cubs.” I bet you can think of several names that they call you. But, just in case you don’t know what they’re referring to, we compiled a list of some of the most common terms for people with an above-average height. Tall people are good to have around because they usually positively influence those around them. Tall people are often leaders and have an easier time getting what they want in life. Having a positive influence makes it easier for others to follow your lead, making your life easier. This article will discuss10 names to call tall people. Without further ado, let get started;

1. Biggie

Biggie is the first name you can call a tall person without being rude. The name is usually used to call very tall and big people. Just don’t call a skinny, small-framed individual “biggie.” tall people tend to be intimidating, and big people tend to intimidate. For instance, you might use biggie in a casual conversation with a group of friends to describe a person you don’t know. It is essential to be careful when using biggie because it could be very insulting if a tall person hears it. If you have used biggie to call a friend of yours, you can use biggie again to describe someone who has done something outstanding. For example, your friend could be very successful in their career, which could be described as having a “biggie” mindset.

2. Bigshot

Bigshot is a nice word to describe a tall person who is always in the spotlight. They are usually good leaders, and they can get things done. People will usually follow them because they are usually the tallest people in a room. Another word similar to bigshot, “star,” and you can use it interchangeably. A star is an individual who is in the limelight, and people will usually follow them. A star might be a singer, an actor, a businessperson, or anyone well-known.

3. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a childish name for a tall person. The name can be used as a joke or to tease them. When someone uses this word, they show their disrespect for your height. If someone calls you buckwheat, then I would respond in kind. It would be best to ignore this small-minded person immediately. Naturally, you can use this word occasionally, but don’t let someone else use this word against you. You should avoid using this word because it makes you feel bad and hurts your pride.

Interesting read: how to talk to tall people

4. Big Bear

Big bear is an excellent nickname for a tall person who is more like an animal than a human being. You will notice that this name has something to do with an animal. Tall people usually have large personalities, and they can be intimidating. So calling them a big bear could be a compliment because they are not always easy to get along with. If you need to tell a tall person that they are intimidating, you can call them a big bear because they are like an overgrown bear.

5. Big Boy

Calling a tall person Big boy is almost like calling them a child. That is not a very nice thing to say, and it is also not true. Big boys are not necessarily children, and it is also not true that all big boys are men. You might use the big boy as a joke or try to be funny, but most likely, you will not find this joke very funny. If someone calls you big boy, they show their disrespect for your height and age. Young big boys can indeed be tough to control, but older big boys usually become more manageable.

6. Dummy

Dummy is a childish and rude way of calling someone a name that is not true. Using a dummy as a nickname for a tall person shows a lack of respect for their height. Sometimes people with dwarfism have a hard time dealing with the cruel world. But most often, people with dwarfism have an easier time because they are often ignored. So if you use a dummy as a nickname for someone, you show your lack of compassion for them. When you call someone a dummy, you are making them feel less than you are, which is not the type of thing you should be doing.

7. Elbowing-Tom

The name is called elbowing-tom because the name sounds like a tomahawk used to strike a person in the head. If you want to make fun of someone, elbowing-tom is not a good nickname because it is rude. A tomahawk has two curved pieces of wood, and these pieces can be used to make a cutting motion against someone. If you were to use this nickname against someone, they might get hurt badly. That is why it is essential to use this nickname with caution.

8. Tallulah

Tallulah is a word that can be used for tall women. That is the same as biggie and star. Since this is a feminine version of a man’s name, it is not appropriate for a man to use it. There are many tall men, and many of them like to be called tall, but usually, only tall women have this name. If you call someone a Tallulah, they will think that you refer to them as a woman, and they will almost always dislike this very much. Using this name will also make the other person feel uncomfortable because they do not know if you are calling them a woman or not.

9. Ginger

Calling someone ginger is another way of showing your lack of compassion for them. That is another nickname meant to demean someone because of their height. With that being said, using ginger as a nickname for a tall person is not nearly as bad as using dummy or elbowing-tom. With ginger, you at least recognize their height, which can be seen as a positive thing.

10. Blue whale

When you use blue whale as a nickname for someone short, you show your lack of compassion and your inability to understand what makes someone short. People who have dwarfism have very little body fat. So when you use blue whale as a nickname for someone short, it is very likely that you do not even know what it feels like to be short. Calling them a blue whale also shows that you do not understand why they need a wig. Here you can also find more info on how many people are 7 feet tall and what are the health benefits of being tall.


The ten discussed are the best names to call tall people without being rude. If you think that someone has a cool name for tall people, you can use that name. Just be careful to use the nickname appropriately.