Tall Life – Top Ways To Improve Athletic Performance In Tall People


Are you looking for the right tips to help you improve your athletic performance in tall people? Then you are in the right place. This article will discuss ways to help you improve athletic performance and why it is so essential for a tall life. Improving athletic performance isn’t an easy task since you need to do various things that require a lot of effort and time.

First of all, improving your athletic performance will increase your self-esteem since you will demonstrate your superior ability in front of others. It will also make you a more attractive person to the opposite sex. If you want to be with someone who is physically attracted to you, you should first improve your athletic performance. Another thing it will do is make you a much more valuable person in the eyes of others, among many more benefits. Below are the top ways to improve athletic performance in tall people. They include;

Exercise frequently


It is important to exercise because it improves your stamina, increases your strength, improves your circulation, and burns off excess fat. It also helps you to reduce stress which is another crucial factor that is very important in enhancing athletic performance. Indeed, you can exercise anytime, but it is better to do it regularly at least three times per week. If you can exercise regularly, you will enjoy more health benefits than people who do it occasionally. Also, when you are frequently exercising, it is much easier for you to lose weight since you are constantly burning calories and increasing the rate of metabolism. Thus, if you are looking for a quick way to lose weight, you should consider exercising frequently.

Maintain a healthy body weight


Tall people need to maintain a healthy body weight since obesity weakens their bones and causes back pain. You need to be aware of your weight gain and body fat percentage, which can significantly impact your athletic performance. Your best bet is to weigh yourself and keep your weight within 5% above or below what it is now. You do not want to be obese, but being underweight can also negatively affect your health and athletic performance. Thus, you need to monitor your body weight regularly. Also, you should make an effort to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products while avoiding sugar, white flour, hydrogenated fats, and processed foods.

Eat the proper foods


Tall people usually have an easier time losing excess water and fat from their bodies than smaller people. That is because they have more muscle mass which means they have more capacity to retain water and fat. However, if you have more water and fat in your body, it will be tough to lose it. Thus, if you are looking to improve your athletic performance, you should definitely focus on eating more foods high in protein. Protein is the body’s building block, and it helps you build muscle tissue.

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Get enough rest


Get at least eight hours of sleep per day. Studies show that people who sleep less than five hours per night have significantly impaired athletic performance. In addition to that, people who sleep less than six hours per night tend to have increased stress levels which is another crucial factor that is very important in improving athletic performance. Thus, if you are looking to enhance your athletic performance, then you should make an effort to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

Perform various strength training exercises


Performing multiple strength training exercises regularly will increase your bone density, improve your muscular endurance, and help you lose excess fat. It also enhances the rate of metabolism and allows you to burn more calories even when you are resting. Thus, if you want to lose weight and improve your athletic performance, you should consider performing various strength training exercises. 

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption


Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption both slow down the rate of metabolism. That is why it is tough for people who smoke or drink excessively to lose weight. It is also true that smokers and alcoholics tend to have weak bones, making it even harder for them to lose weight. Thus, if you want to enhance your athletic performance, you should avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Control your stress levels


Stress causes your body to release cortisol, resulting in a temporary fat-storage state. Cortisol also reduces your muscular endurance, inhibits your immune system, slows down your metabolism, and makes it harder for you to burn fat. In other words, stress is awful for your athletic performance. Thus, if you are looking to enhance your athletic performance, you should try to control your stress levels. That can be difficult, but there are ways to do it, such as meditating, practicing deep breathing exercises, exercising, having positive thinking, going for walks, talking with friends and family, and many others.  

Drink more water


Drinking more water helps flush out toxins from your body and keeps you feeling fuller for longer, which helps to prevent you from overeating. It also enhances your muscular endurance, increases your metabolic rate, and plays an essential role in flushing out excess water and sodium from your body. Thus, if you want to enhance your athletic performance, you should drink more water. Of course, you should only drink water and not soda or other beverages with added sugar.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit


Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables is very important for several reasons. It supplies your body with vitamins and minerals, which are very important for optimal health. Secondly, it provides you with fiber which is very important for relieving constipation. In addition to that, it helps to promote good dental hygiene by keeping your mouth healthy. Furthermore, it is the best food you can eat if you are trying to lose weight because it has zero calories. Thus, if you want to enhance your athletic performance, you should incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet.

Limit your caffeine intake


Caffeine is a natural stimulant that temporarily increases your heart rate and energy level. However, too much caffeine (even in moderate amounts) will reduce your muscular endurance and concentration and make it harder for you to perform at a high level. Thus, if you want to enhance your athletic performance, you should limit your caffeine intake. That is especially true if you are an amateur or a professional athlete because caffeine is a very serious substance for achieving and maintaining optimal athletic performance.



When it comes to enhancing your athletic performance, there is no magic pill or special secret which will guarantee you will achieve this goal. However, the above-discussed tips will undoubtedly help you a great deal and also helps in reducing some tall people problems which they face in their life.. The most important thing you can do is adopt and follow a nutritional plan that is both nutritionally sound and appropriate for your lifestyle and training regimen. And secondly, make sure you also incorporate some strength training routine into your overall training program.