Are Tall People Smarter Than Short People?


This is a question I’ve been asked by a lot of my readers. It’s a topic that’s been researched and studied for many years. The truth is, I don’t know. What I do know is that it’s a hot topic that keeps coming up. It’s so hot in fact that I’ve decided to make a quick video that answers this question (and so many others) in less than three minutes.

Are tall people smarter? There’s a common assumption that tall people are smarter than short people. And, of course, some studies back this up. However, when it comes to the actual intelligence of people, the truth is a bit more complicated.

The fact is that people have different abilities and characteristics. If you are a small person, you might be more intelligent than a tall person. However, some tall people can be more intelligent than some short people. If you want to find out if you are smarter, you should try to complete as many different types of assignments as you can. You might also want to participate in several types of extracurricular activities. When you are in school, you should always challenge yourself with something different. You can play basketball, do research in the library, go to plays, etc. If you do these things, you will probably see that your intelligence increases.

Interesting read: do tall people live longer

Most people assume that short people are smarter. But new research shows that there may not be any correlation at all between height and intelligence.

Intelligence has nothing to do with height. Many people think that tall people are more intelligent than short people. However, there is no scientific proof to support this. Many experts say that there are two reasons why tall people are smarter than short people. First, there are more tall people in the world. Second, when they are children, they learn to walk and talk later. The reason is because they have to spend more time sitting. This makes them more intelligent. In fact, it is true that taller people are smarter. However, there is one other factor that we should consider. If someone has a disability, he or she will be shorter. This doesn’t mean that the person is not smart. They are just shorter than most people.

The relationship between height and intelligence has long been debated. Most research seems to suggest that there is a negative correlation between height and IQ. However, recent studies show that when the data is controlled for socioeconomic status, the correlation disappears and becomes positive.

This debate about height and intelligence is actually an argument for why we should have equality of opportunity in education. Education can be a great equalizer. If you have the chance to get into the best schools in the country, then your chances of getting a high-paying job will increase greatly. Also, if you live in a rich neighborhood, you’ll likely have more access to good teachers. The best way to combat this problem is to make sure that everyone in the world has the same access to education. This means that all children should go to school and have a fair chance to learn as much as they want. And you can also learn how to talk to tall people.


“A recent study in the journal Intelligence found that short people tend to be smarter than tall people. They can remember more words, are more logical, are better at problem-solving, and are more likely to achieve academic success. The research was based on IQ scores taken from a sample of more than 6,000 men and women between the ages of 14 and 70 who were given the vocabulary section of the WAIS-R.”

In an interview with a news outlet, the researcher behind this study, Dr. David Dunning, explained why this study may have been different from past studies: “In past studies, we’ve seen that when you give people the opportunity to explain how they feel or what they think, they will do better on intelligence tests. This study didn’t allow them to express themselves, and so the result is that the tall people did better.”

  1. A 1999 Study Found That Tall People Have An Edge When It Comes To Negotiating
  2. Another Study Found Tall People More Likely To Succeed In Business And Career Related Areas
  3. A 2005 Study Found Tall People To Be More Likely To Be Creative Problem Solvers
  4. A 2006 Study Found Tall People More Likely To Be Entrepreneurs
  5. A 2007 Study Found That Tall People Have A Competitive Advantage When It Comes To Sports And Games… Especially Soccer!

In conclusion, this research study was designed to test the hypothesis that people who are taller are more intelligent than those who are shorter. The results revealed that being taller does not correlate with higher intelligence. There are other factors that affect intelligence, such as having better-quality genes and living in a nurturing environment.

I believe that there are two factors that affect the way that people see and treat others: their own personality and the people around them. I would say that taller people are more likely to be seen and treated in a positive way, as their perceived intelligence is greater than the average person’s. But, there are other factors at play that come into play here. The way that the environment is set up and the way that the people in that environment behave, could also determine how tall or short people are seen and treated. This is because the way that the taller or shorter people are perceived depends on what the rest of the people around them are like. For example, the way that the taller people are viewed depends on the height of the people around them. If all the people in the room are small, they will be more likely to view taller people in a positive light, because the perception is based on the information that the person is surrounded by. If there are a lot of tall people in the room, then there is less room for everyone else, and the tall people are seen as more dominant.