An Insidious And Common Fear Of Tall People


I’ve always been an outgoing person, but that can be difficult for me when I’m towering over everyone else and finding myself feeling like the odd one out. I recently discovered this fear of tall people is called Gigantasophobia !

There’s a lot to love about being tall. It can be challenging, though. Tall people may feel like they’re always in the way. Keeping up with your actual height can be challenging, from high ceilings to hard floors. 

You’re scared of picking up something in a store, you’re worried about finding clothes that fit correctly, and you’re afraid of getting your picture taken. Tall-don’t! We should all care about people facing issues because they are different. Some people have a hard time finding clothes that fit well. There are also many social problems that tall people face throughout the day. Read below to have a detailed look at them:

Always In The Spotlight

Being tall has its advantages, but it may also be a disadvantage. Tall people are often the center of attraction, which can be embarrassing when they don’t want to be looked at.

Tall people always have the spotlight on them, which can be pretty awkward in some situations. You can feel the stares of people when you walk down the street. It is quite awkward and often feels like everyone is looking at you.

In addition, a tall person can feel like they are under constant scrutiny while out and about – whether it’s looking at people who aren’t their height or simply trying not to draw too much attention themselves.

Hard Time Finding The Fit

When it comes to buying clothes, some tall people have a hard time finding clothes that fit them. Not every clothes store has the right size for a taller person. People over 5’11” can find it challenging to shop in stores that still have their clothes on the rack. They will either have to buy online or try and make alterations themselves.

It is not just clothing, but also shoes, bags, etc., that challenge taller people. Choosing perfect products for tall people hard enough? There are solutions now available to adjust the size of products and services to customers’ needs.

Fear of Low Ceiling in your everyday life

When you are tall, you fear the low ceiling as your head can get hit by the lower part. It is an excellent example of how we subconsciously over-compensate for our physical limitations. Tall people typically have less space between their heads and ceilings in general, which makes them susceptible to head bumps on low ceilings.

Hard to fit in a bed

Tall people find it hard to fit into a regular bed. They are often forced to sleep on the floor or use an inflatable mattress that works, which is not very comfortable.

Tall people find it difficult to sleep in a bed because their legs are also long, making it difficult to fit into a bed. Their legs might also be longer than their mattress measurements, and they cannot change the sheets once they have made them on the bed. So they might have trouble finding sheets that will fit their beds as well as their height.

Far in Physical Reach

It is no secret that meeting new people is hard when you are a tall guy. We are not the most approachable people on the planet, and there is no denying that it makes us feel awkward, especially in social gatherings.

The other problem is physical reach – we have to bend down (or even kneel) to give a small child or someone else who is shorter than us a hug. High five? Forget about it!

It is difficult to give these gestures when people are too tall or short. It may not seem like a massive issue for taller guys, but it can be pretty annoying and uncomfortable for shorter ones. It can cause many social problems and lead to an overall lack of self-esteem and confidence.

Low Voice Reach

When you are taller than someone else, it is harder for your ears to pick up on their voice and speech. It could be a problem if the person you talk to is smaller than you.

It is often essential for people to hear what others are saying. If they cannot hear the other person, they might mishear or misunderstand what they said. It can cause significant problems in day-to-day life, and many people have had frustrating experiences because of this issue.

Awkward Nicknames

When you are tall, other people will give you weird names. When you are taller than most of your friends or coworkers by a lot, it can be challenging to find an appropriate name for yourself without being called something that makes fun of your height or further embarrasses you. And people will also give different nicknames for tall people which can embarrass you and these names make fun of tall people.

Difference in Sight

Tall people often have a better view of things. This is due to their height, which provides them an advantage in identifying further away objects.

The size difference between tall and short people is in height and eyesight. Tall people typically have a longer arm span which leads to broader sight, and shorter people have more depth perception, which leads to a closer view.

Some people may be able to see more clearly than the average person because they have better sight, including those who are taller. The height of a person also affects their perspective and what they can see, which is why tall people tend to see more than shorter people that can lead them to live a quality of life. Don’t forget that height can also be a concern if you own a small pet. One unconcerned step and you stepped over the tail of a cat! Pheww!

The struggles of being so tall

Being taller than 6 feet means a lot more attention, unwanted comments, and struggles that we could never imagine before we were taller than 6 feet or even close to it. But some people have fear of heights. One of the first things people notice about someone is their height, and some inherent challenges come with being tall – from shoes to clothes, from dating to work. Your physical health is very important.

It’s hard to believe that people still struggle with accepting their identity. No matter what the person is working with, the struggle of acceptance only intensifies as you start to grow older. We must all accept ourselves for who we are and stop living in fear of others’ judgment. By embracing yourself for who you are, you’ll be able to lead a happier life that’s free from guilt and shame because you did not try to change who you are. Your height can also depends on your day activities.